Saint Mary's
Future Alumni Committee

SMU-OOKY attacts over 65 students

Ghost Expert and SMU Alum, Patrick Marek '79, enlightened current students regarding Saint Mary's spooky past on October 28, 2010 in Saint Yon's old theater located in the basement. Marek covered everything from the origins of the Heffron Ghost to the tapping and mysterious "power surges" in Benilde.

Following his one hour presentation, Marek offered one-on-one time with students if they had any additional questions or wanted to talk more in depth on a particular occurrence he spoke about.

All attendees received a SMU campus map that highlighted the locations of SMU's creepy happenings so students could explore their own ghost scavenger hunt!

mn_me  – (November 08, 2010)  

When I was a freshman back in 1971, a group of us were walking along the sidewalk around dusk from the Science Bldg (Hoffman Hall?) back toward St Mary's Hall... Someone was recounting the haunting stories at St. Mary's. Just as we walked past the next lamppost, the light went out. It may have been total coincidence, but it sure freaked us all out. Also knew some guys who lived on 3rd Heffron my junior year who experienced very odd happenings in their dorm room. Never really knew quite what to make of all the stories I heard. But never really discounted them either.

Addie Moe
Class of '75

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